The Strong Mind The Wise Body & The Intelligent Heart (Who I am and what I do):
Howdy, I am called Hollywood Texas, Shefasexual artist and healer of The First Gender: our indigenous, intersex, intergender and interspirit way of being a Human Being. I have been called on to restore the knowledge and language of my ancestors through the practice of a healing known as the HAMSA / AKA The Hand Of The Goddess / AKA The Laying Of Hands. This ancient modality of authenticity conjuration is not one form but an endlessly changing one, a path (The Nativ) to follow as opposed to a destination to arrive at. To follow the Nativ is to learn how to let go and release what no longer suits us in the present, with enormous amount of trust in what comes as a result of the letting go. The creation of an authentic self requires releasing parts of our self we once may have held dear, whole selves, egos and beliefs are allowed to change (die and be reborn) and what once seemed to only belong to the miraculous, can now belong to everyday life. This miracle, or wonder (PELEH) is that which combines the concepts of healthiness and happiness, life and death, science snd spirit.
Born out of the pursuit of safety and security through self defense and strength work, it has evolved and changed as nature herself commands, into the pursuit of sovereignty, of autonomy, of freedom and liberation for all who are enslaved. This ancient process of healing involves various forms of touch. Whether through movement, sensual contact, or simply through witness, it is the very queer love of The First Gender that reaches with its outstretched arm, across time, space and form to heal The Human Being and restore true pleasure (happiness) through authenticity. Healing is communal, and my purpose is to serve. As a healer of The First Gender I offer my service through the anti-capitalist process of reciprocity: in exchange with my community for equal value offerings or goods - meaning I do not charge clients monetarily but do accept donations as a sacred, sensual minister in service of spirit.
A Queer Love Maker’s Statement of Purpose & Code of Ethics
Much like my being, my work is ancestrally founded through imagination, intuition and intimacy. I hold no expertise, no mastery and no perfection, only a practice which I am called upon to share with my community. As a Conscious Erotic Touch practitioner, this (work) stems directly out of my very own authentic movement practice and relationship with my ancestors of The First Spirit, under mentorship from Goddess Amina at Atlanta Tantra Institute. It aspires to no agenda other than the sharing of a healing I pursue for myself and happen to believe all humans desire and deserve - It was my own much needed medicine, it has had many names and titles throughout time, but is to me known as Restoration - Through The Undoing of Harm. It pertains neither to any heath related or scientific fields, nor to any religious models and is not recognized, regulated or governed by any association.
I am intuitively guided by my ancestors of The First: Gender, Sex, Spirit and completely led by the unique, individual needs of my clients, whom I view as friends and members of community. I have been called on this path to serve spirit through all that I create and curate. I do so in service to my queer community, to my queer ancestors, and to the earth. I recognize myself as an indigenous and sovereign human being, residing in the racist, misogynist, puritanical and patriarchal United States of America; a place where nature itself, and the bodies that honor her, are not recognized let alone praised. Like my body though, my healing is natural, ancient and wise; with focus and priority centered around intersectionality.
By facilitating healing through somatic engagement combined with conscious, queer, love-filled touch that does not avoid certain parts of the body (such as genitals), my healing practice can not only be misunderstood, but can also be ascribed criminality. While I do not intentionally set out to break laws, I simply do not align with the moral standard upon which this nations laws were founded. Abundance of a very queer love, the eternal kind, is my offering, not sex – and even though sex is sacred and shares complex space with love, this healing welcomes both as a spiritual and energetic experience that is beyond any definition of sex or spirit, conceived of or practiced by the civilized, settler colonizer. I am The First Gender and the SHEFA is what I am called to offer - Abundance / Flow is my strength, my power, my knowledge, my magic, my medicine.
SHEFA is not sterility. The designation “client” shall apply only in a therapeutic situation comprised of myself and the client(s). Any other context I will refer to the client however they are most comfortable, at the very least a considerable friend.
SHEFA is communication. I will discuss any objectives and parameters of the therapeutic relationship with the client so that the client may make informed decisions.
SHEFA is not ownership. The therapeutic relationship fostered with the client is temporary; always within the context of the therapeutic and driven by the spiritual, physical and emotional welfare of the client. This relationship can end if terminated by mutual agreement or if the client voluntarily terminates the therapy.
SHEFA is egoless. I commit to recognize the boundaries and limitations of my competence within my practice. I will not attempt to use methods outside the range of my knowledge, training and experience. If I think that the client will benefit from any additional methods, I will communicate this to the client and refer out accordingly.
SHEFA is harmless. I may use physical touch if we decide that touch based somatic approach to healing is desirable and appropriate. If I do so, I will touch consciously and with the intent to do no harm, with concern for the client’s growth; for the safety of both/all parties; and to honor the agreed boundaries established. I will co-create clear agreements with my client before engaging in any form of bodywork.
SHEFA is not loud. I commit to respect, defend, and preserve the privacy of all information provided by the client. I will preserve the anonymity of the client when using information for purposes of teaching, research, and supervision. The identity of a client, and all information received from or about them through the therapeutic shall not be communicated outside the healing space without the client’s written permission, except under the following conditions. Information about the client may be disclosed only:
When there is a clear and imminent danger to individuals or society, and then only to appropriate professional colleagues or public authorities;
For the purpose of professional consultation with appropriate professional colleagues, if the identities of individuals are disguised to protect confidentiality.
For presentation of information to professional or lay groups, if the identities of individuals are disguised to protect confidentiality
SHEFA is conscientious. I commit to uphold and take full responsibility for adequate precautionary measures against the transmission of communicable diseases and infections. I also retain responsibility for the determination that the client has taken similar precautions. I acknowledge the importance of physical, in addition to emotional, mental, spiritual and sexual well-being. To protect the health of both myself and my client, risk-reduction steps are taken to minimize any harm, in active collaboration with my client. Any break in the skin (abrasions, infection, rash, cut etc.) will require a rescheduling of any touch sessions, for both my own and my clients’ protection. Any sessions and all group classes will always include education about hygiene protocol, with sufficient facilities/supplies provided to clients to maintain appropriate hygiene.
SHEFA is self care. I commit to recognize any personal issues I may have that could possibly affect my work and take appropriate measures to protect and serve my clients by taking breaks from contact with clients. Spiritual, emotional and physical ailments must be resolved before resuming touching or coaching, and clients will be referred to other healers if I am incapacitated in anyway due to personal issues.
SHEFA is consensual. I will honor the importance of consent and choice in all interactions with individuals and groups. Clients will NEVER be required or coerced to participate in any activity, event or exercise. I will inform and educate my clients about consent and choice throughout our relationship and actively create learning environments where clients are empowered to exercise those skills.
SHEFA is not greedy. I uphold the relationship between the healer and the healing as one of privilege and commit to never seek a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for healing work offered. I understand the inherent inequality of power we hold relative to clients in our role of practitioner/teacher and agree not to use this power for the sexual, emotional financial or spiritual exploitation of clients.
SHEFA is not lust. I pledge to not pursue my own erotic appetites with my client. In the therapeutic space: erotic touch is unidirectional, healer to client. If a client wishes to learn and practice interpersonal erotic skills, I will request that they bring their partner or invite them to share and learn with a surrogate lover. If I am to fulfill the role of surrogate, I am conscious that, and insure the client is conscious that, sessions will neither fulfill any desire for romantic sexual relationship outside of the professional setting.
Hollywood Texas is The Shefasexual, a Sacred Healer and Bodyworker, an Ancestral Story Teller - Illustrator and Performer, a Server Of Spirit and chosen Protector of the body of The First Spirit.