Ancestral Stories Of The Shefasexual By Hollywood Texas
Screen Prints of images created for Queer Powers Dot Com. These illustrations are self portraits of The First Gender by Hollywood Texas, and they are based on images and descriptions of creatures, devils, demons, monsters of myth, legend, mystery; beings who represent life, death, rebirth, and transformation.
A. 17 x 22 Screen Print on Heavyweight Watercolor Paper in White and Off White B. 13 x 22 Screen Print on Lavender Cotton Altar Cloths - SOLVE ET COAGULA : to separate and bring together (the push is the pull, the eternal balance). It is within the process of cleansing is that godliness can be found, for cleansing requires the breakdown of what currently is, and trusting in the process of change to bring (together) the new. Alchemy is change and transformation. As above, so below.
KHEPRI - Bringer Of The Rising Sun & Generator Of Becoming
A. 14 x 11 Screen Print on Heavyweight Watercolor Paper or B. 22 x 13 Screen Print on Lavender Cotton Altar Cloth - A scarab beetle with wings made from feet and feathers of long toenails, symbolizing the path of authenticity that can only be walked / traversed by the self. The shapes tattooed on the feet being a map / path symbolizing the intrinsic joy found within movement, rooted in nature. Holding an inverted triangle above, symbolizing spiritual distillation of the Devine, from the wide vastness above, being pulled down to a fine point. Resting on the soft and venerable abdomen, under the hard shell of protection is the eye of knowing, with an inverted crescent moon within - representing reincarnation. Change as the only vehicle through life and through death. It is the language of existence, of being. Self becoming as the only path to walk, and authenticity, the only true magic.
A. 11 x 14 Screen Print on Heavyweight Watercolor Paper or B. 13 x 22 Screen Print on Pink or Lavender Altar Cloths - A self portrait of The Orgasm of Hollywood Texas, appearing in the form of SAMAEL The Black, The Wicked, The Adversary. AKA The Blindness / The Venom / The Poison / The Severity Of God. Also called Ha-Satan, The Accuser, The Seducer, The Destroyer and Mate of The Sacred Prostitutes, Archangel of Death and leader of the order of angels called Satans. “In Hell There Is No Redemption”.
Hollywood Texas is The Shefasexual, a Sacred Healer and Bodyworker, an Ancestral Story Teller - Illustrator and Performer, a Server Of Spirit and chosen Protector of the body of The First Spirit.